Mon, March 03, 2025



  • Check-in: 30 minutes prior to squad time. Reservations that are not acknowledged by this time are no longer guaranteed. Failure to keep your reservation can result in a fine of $10. Should you need to cancel, call or email Justin at 413-531-9508 or or for Danny at 203-627-4800 or
  • Membership: Renewable by calendar year at a fee of $25. Members joining after November 1 will remain in good standing for the following year. Non-members can bowl for a $15 per tournament fee.  
  • NEBA Membership is open to all bowlers who meet the following criteria:
  • Possesses a current USBC membership card. The USBC membership card may be obtained when applying for membership by paying the current annual USBC fee.
  • Has attained the age of 18, or has graduated from high school, or has written approval from a parent or guardian in accordance with the current USBC rules.
  • Any PBA or PWBA member that has not won a PBA, PWBA or PBA50 national tournament in the past five (5) years (US Open and USBC Masters are exempt) or is not in the top 40 on the national PBA points list for the prior season. Any NEBA member in good standing who wins a national title and maintains their NEBA membership can continue to compete in NEBA.
  • Entry Fee: $100.00 per tournament (first entry and re-entries) at regular tournaments.
  • $125 at Tournament of Champions, $150 Cambridge Credit Invitational, $150 at the Masters.
  • Side Pots: $20 (high game each game); $5 (squad leader); $5 brackets (games 2-3-4); $10 eliminator

Tournament Rules/Etiquette

  • Eligibility: Any USBC sanctioned adult bowler may participate. PBA exempt tour players are not allowed to bowl. USBC Youth members are allowed to bowl in singles tournaments only, and must sign waivers stating that any prize money won will be deposited into their USBC SMART account.
  • 35 mile rule: Bowlers living within 35 miles of the host center must bowl their first squad on Saturday night (6pm) or Sunday morning (9am). Bowlers within the 35 mile radius hold last priority for the 12:30pm squad.
  • Dress Code: Collared or mock neck (bowling industry) shirts and Pants, jeans, or dress shorts (no nylon or basketball type shorts). Ripped/frayed/torn clothing is not allowed. (White shirts are reserved for NEBA Champions). Women may not wear tights or any similar tight fitting athletic pant. Bowler’s name is required on the back of their shirt within the first three tournaments. Failure to have name on your shirt can result in a fine of $10 per tournament. Repeated offenses can result in a $25 fine.
  • Lane Courtesy: One Lane Courtesy during Qualifying, Two Lane Courtesy during Match-play. 
  • Conduct: Loud, unruly, and disrespectful behavior will not be allowed. Excessive celebration is also unacceptable.

Tournament Format

  • Qualifying: 5 games across 10 lanes with lane cross determined by the total number of lanes used on each squad.
  • Squad Cut: 1 in 6 on each squad is guaranteed to make the match play finals. (ex. 48 bowlers, Top 8 are guaranteed) Each squad leader is guaranteed a Top 3 seed in the final bracket.
  • At-Large Cut: All other bowlers who do not qualify via Squad Cut go into the at-large pool. Total number of qualifiers is based on total entries for the tournament.
  • Senior/Women/ Super Seniors: 1 in 6 seniors (age 50 and over), Super Seniors (age 60 and over) & Women (3 Separate Cuts) bowlers are also guaranteed to make the finals. (ex. 20 seniors, 3 are guaranteed).  If seniors, women or super seniors qualify through squad or at-large cuts, they count towards the guaranteed seniors, women and super seniors.
  • Match Play: Lanes are re-oiled before match play except in tournaments with one qualifying squad. Roll call at approximately 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Single game elimination style matches at regular format tournaments.  Note: Top seeded bowlers may receive first round byes based on number of qualifiers.

Contact Information