June 9-10
Ace Mitchell 4TH Annual 3 Person Team Tournament at HOF Silver Lanes - East Hartford, CT. Send all inquiries via FB messenger or email VGRZAN@ACEMITCHELL.COM
Squad Times: Saturday 9:00AM and 1:30PM - Re-entries permitted
$150.00 entry fee per team - Handicap based on 80% of 240
Optional Scratch Division Entry of $60 per team
***June 9 - Pro Shop/Center Squad and Dinner - $180 per team 6:00PM on Friday, June 9th with an Open Bar! Open to teams with at least one owner of a pro shop or center on it. Bowling begins at 8:15
$3000 FOR FIRST PLACE Based on 60 team entries
100% of prize money returned - Brackets will be available