Larry King and Steve Blanchet defeated Chris Jolicoeur and Bill Tessier 455-453 to win King's 1st career title and Blanchet's 4th career title in the Strike F/X Doubles Tournament at AMF Cranston Lanes in Cranston, RI. The winning team took home $2,250 plus $100 entries into November's Brunswick Tournament of Champions. The runner-up team received $1,400 for their efforts. Special thanks for Strike F/X Pro Shops for sponsoring this weekend's event and to AMF Cranston Lanes for adding to the prize fund as well!
King/Blanchet def Jolicoeur/Tessier 453-451
Jolicoeur/Tessier def Coco, Jr./Bonis, Jr. 512-379
King/Blanchet def Abate/Toth 479-420
Joliceour/Tessier def Rasmussen/Miskolczi 453-391
Coco, Jr./Bonis, Jr. def Dzikiewicz/Umbrello 411-405
King/Blanchet def Dumoulin/Bastien 480-386
Abate/Toth def Webb/Mullin 478(120)-478(117)