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The Lane patterns for the 2022 Cambridge Credit Invitational to be held on January 9th at Callahan's Bowl-O-Rama are:
Pattern Name: CCCI Qualifying Medium
Pattern Length: 40 ft
Pattern Volume: 25.1 ml
Pattern Ratio: 5:1
Match Play Finals
Pattern Name: CCCI Finals - Medium
Pattern Length: 40 ft
Pattern Volume: 24.55
Pattern Ratio: 3.8:1
There is one squad time for everyone that is eligible to bowl this event except the top 16 in points. Reserve now for the 9AM Squad on Sunday, January 9th at Callahan's Bowl-O-Rama in Newington, CT at:
Reserve now as the field is limited to 100 bowlers. Over $7,000 in added monies to this prize fund.