Sun, March 09, 2025

Lane Patterns for the Vincent Hall Memorial Over / Under 50 Doubles

  • Tue, September 06, 2022

The Lane Patterns for the Vincent Hall Memorial Over / Under 50 Doubles are to be held on Saturday, September 17th at 9 AM with match play finals held on Sunday, September 18th at AMF Auburn Lanes in Auburn, MA will be: 

Patterns will be (1) Challenge Short pattern and (1) Challenge Long Pattern.

Challenge Short Pattern

Pattern Name: Kegel Broadway V2 - 37'

Pattern Volume: 26.45 ml

Pattern Ratio: 4.77:1

Challenge Long Pattern

Pattern Name: Kegel Titanium

Pattern Length: 44'

Pattern Volume: 25.295

Pattern Ratio: 4.21:1

Vincent Hall Memorial Over/Under 50 Doubles Tournament Rules



  • This tournament shall be governed by the New England Bowlers Association and will be sanctioned with the United States Bowling Congress

  • Dates: September 17 & 18, 2022

  • Location: AMF Auburn Lanes, Auburn Ma.

  • TechVision added money: $6,000.

  • Team Composition: Each team will consist of one bowler 50 years of age or older and one bowler under 50 years of age.  All bowlers must be eligible to bowl NEBA per the rules listed on the NEBA website (i.e. if a NEBA singles event were held, each bowler on the team would be eligible to enter).  No other restrictions on team composition apply (for example, two NEBA champions can bowl together regardless of when they last won).

  • Maximum teams: 50

  • Entry Fee for this tournament shall be $300 per doubles team, which will be broken up into the following categories: Lineage, Prize Fund, Expenses

  • Any specified rule not listed below will follow the standard Baker Finals Doubles Tournament format, with the TD having final say on any rules interpretations.  

Lane Conditions / Oil Schedule

  • This tournament shall be contested on two (2) different patterns.  The patterns will be Kegel Broadway V2 and Kegel Titanium.

  • Each qualifying round shall be contested on a different lane condition

    • Qualifying round 1: Broadway

    • Qualifying round 2: Titanium

    • Baker Finals: For all finals pairs: Left Lane: Broadway, Right Lane: Titanium

  • A fresh lane condition shall be used at the beginning of each qualifying block, Round Robin match play, and the stepladder.


  • Each round of qualifying and Round Robin match play shall follow the standard NEBA rules for practice time

  • Practice for the Position Round and for the first Stepladder match will be 5 minutes, for the final stepladder match the oncoming team (i.e. the number one seed) has 5 minutes of practice on the finals pair, and the opposing team may practice on an adjacent pair.  


  • All teams will begin qualifying on Saturday, September 17, at 9 AM.  Qualifying will consist of two (2), five (5) game blocks across ten (10) lanes each. 

    • After each game, doubles teams on the left lane will move left, and teams on the right lane will move right**

  • The top twelve (12) teams with the highest ten (10) game pinfall shall advance to the Finals, based on a full field of 50 teams.  

  • If fewer than 50 teams are entered, one (1) in four (4) teams will make the finals, rounded to the closest even number of teams, as follows:

    • If 48 - 50 teams enter, 12 teams will make the finals

    • If 40 - 47 teams enter, 10 teams will make the finals

    • If 32 - 39 teams enter, 8 teams will make the finals

    • If 24 - 31 teams enter, 6 teams will make the finals

  • Qualifying scores will carry over to the finals.

Qualifying Ties

  • Ties for the last finals spot shall be a one (1) game roll-off on the Titanium lane condition on a pair determined by the Tournament Director.  If, after the one game sudden-death match, teams are still tied, there will be a one (1) ball sudden-death roll-off on the same pair.  The team from Qualifying with the highest single game will determine lane and order.  The competitors shall bowl on the same lane, and then alternate doubles team members and lanes in the same bowling order, until the tie is broken.

  • Ties amongst finalists will be broken based on the team’s highest single game for seeding purposes.


  • On Sunday, September 18, qualifying teams return and bowl each other once in Round Robin match play with each match consisting of two baker games, total score, followed by a position round.  For each finals pair, the left lane will have Broadway and the right lane will have Titanium.  Each match play winner will receive sixty (60) bonus pins.  

  • The match play will follow the USBC league schedule for a 12 team league. 

  • For each match, in game one each team member will bowl on a different lane on the pair, and for game two the team members switch lanes, and order.

    • Example: Team A makes the finals, consisting of Bowler A and Bowler B.  They are on lanes 5-6.  For game one, Bowler A leads off and bowls frame 1,3,5,7, and 9, on lane 5, and Bowler B bowls frames 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 on lane 6.  For game 2, Bowler B bowls frame 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 on lane 5, and Bowler A bowls frames 2,4, 6, 8, and 10 on lane 6.

  • Higher seed from qualifying will have choice of starting lane throughout match play

  • After 11 baker matches (or however many teams make the finals per above minus one) plus a position round, cut to the top 3 teams for a step ladder consisting of 2 game baker matches per the above format.

  • There will be a break after the 6th baker finals match, assuming a full 12 teams make the finals.  For 10 or 8 teams, a break will occur halfway through the finals (i.e. at 5 or 4 matches, respectively), for 6 or fewer teams, there will be no break.  If there is a break, the second block of finals will be on fresh oil, as will the stepladder.  There will be no break before the stepladder.  

  • Surface adjustments will be allowed at the beginning of each round of the Round Robin match play and the stepladder

  • Alternates will not be used in match play.  Bowlers arriving late for their matches in any round will bowl beginning with the frame then being bowled by their opponent.  Failure to appear, regardless of cause, will constitute a forfeiture of the match.  

  • If a bowler is disabled during the match and is unable to continue, they will receive a zero for all missed frames

Finals Ties

  • In the event of a tie during any match play round, competitors will split the 60 pin bonus

  • In the event of tie for the last stepladder position, a two-game baker roll off will occur per the above rules.  The highest-seeded team shall determine the starting lane and position for the roll-off.  

  • In the event of a tie in a stepladder game, a 9th and 10 frame baker style rolloff will take place.  Higher seed will have their choice of starting lane and order.  In the event of a tie here, a one ball rolloff will occur as described above.  

Finals Starting Times (Approximate)

  • Match Play Round 1: 9 AM

  • Match Play Round 2: 1 PM

  • Stepladder: 4 PM 

Bowler of the Year Points

  • BOY points will apply.