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Nicole Trudell won winning the open with a final match victory over Tony Reynaud 247-205. Nicole average 264 en route the the final match. This is her second NEBA Title which makes her the second woman to win two NEBA titles. Nicole took home $1,300 and a $100 entry into the Brunswick Tournament of Champions.
We would like to thank our great host Tony and Suzanne Reynaud and the entire Silver Lanes staff for all their hard work in making this entire weekend a success. Also thanks to everyone who the Hall of Dinner. It was truly a special occasion that will be remembered forever in NEBA history. It was truly great to see all the inductees and their families share this special moment Finally, thank you to all the bowlers who came out this weekend. We had 242 entries this weekend and was able to raised $933 for Bowl for the Cure. You can donate to this great cause at
Join us for our next tournament in Malden, Ma at Town Line Luxury Lanes and the third stop on Women's Cup Series