Mon, July 15, 2024

2009 Season Statistics Summary

This stats section is intended to provide an in-depth look at statistics for all bowlers who participated in NEBA during the 2009 season. Also availabe are stats from the following past seasons: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Each available category has a summary shown below, and a complete list link is provided at the bottom of each list. This link will take you to a page that will display that stat for all bowlers in order by rank.

Use the form below to search for a particular bowler to see all of their stats on one page.

Bowler of the Year

1. Alex Aguiar 431
2. Bill Webb 386
3. Stephen Dale Jr. 349
4. R.J. Broege 342
5. Scott Widmer 335
6. Frankie Calca 334
7. Tony Reynaud 312
8. Scott Santos 294
9. Jon Matunas 290
10. Jon Van Hees 287
11. Rob Grexer 281
12. Eric Copping 273
13. Chris Viale 256
14. Chad Autore 244
15. Brandon Robertson 239
16. Tom Durand 228
  Jeffrey Voght 228
18. Tim Gillick 221
19. Steve Fiume 215
20. Michael Bissmann 214
21. Todd Lathrop 210
22. Brian Boghosian 209
23. John Williston 206
24. Ollie Ellard 205
25. Bill Holota 204
26. Chris Monroy 198
27. Chris Hall 197
  George Tignor 197
29. Jim Rusin 194
30. Chris Sole 193
  Mike Lichstein 193
32. Jason Baker 189
  Dave Forcier 189
34. Geoff Wetzler 186
35. Randy Hagemoser 184
36. Butch Paternostro 183
37. Rich Macierowski 178
38. Mike Cordeiro 176
39. Tim Hansen 175
40. Glenn Hood 173
41. Dave Kipperman 164
42. Michael Repsch 160
43. Jason Mahon 159
44. Russ Michaud 158
45. Tony Bennett 157
46. Jesse Cote 139
47. Chris Forry 138
  Bill Green 138
49. Darrell Guertin 137
  Brian Egan 137
51. Tom Andrelli 136
  Tim Healey 136
53. Nick Dean 134
54. Chris Wujek 133
55. Chris Carlson 131
56. Jaison Haynes 127
  Complete List  

Rookie of the Year

Senior of the Year

High Average (min. 50)

1. Bill Webb 120 229.63
2. Todd Lathrop 78 229.42
3. Alex Aguiar 107 227.08
4. Brandon Robertson 112 224.28
5. Chris Monroy 87 224.08
6. Mike Lichstein 74 222.68
7. Jon Van Hees 96 222.55
8. Chris Hall 95 222.49
9. R.J. Broege 126 221.95
10. Scott Widmer 138 221.21
11. Bill Holota 88 221.10
12. Frankie Calca 114 220.94
13. Chris Viale 109 220.12
  Butch Paternostro 74 220.12
15. Rob Grexer 123 220.00
Complete List

Match Play Record (min. 12)

1. Jason Baker 14 - 3 0.824
2. Brian Boghosian 13 - 4 0.765
3. Alex Aguiar 28 - 10 0.737
4. Frankie Calca 22 - 9 0.710
5. Stephen Dale Jr. 19 - 8 0.704
6. Chris Viale 14 - 6 0.700
7. Tony Reynaud 16 - 7 0.696
8. Jon Matunas 13 - 6 0.684
9. Chad Autore 12 - 6 0.667
10. Scott Santos 15 - 8 0.652
Complete List

Match Play Average (min. 11)

1. Jason Baker 17 230.60
2. Dave Kipperman 12 229.90
3. Mike Cordeiro 11 227.00
  Frankie Calca 31 227.00
5. Bill Webb 31 225.70
6. Brandon Robertson 17 225.30
7. Chris Sole 14 224.80
8. Chad Autore 18 224.70
9. R.J. Broege 24 224.10
10. John Williston 14 223.60
Complete List

High Qualifying Block

1. Jon Matunas 1371
2. Randy Hagemoser 1338
3. Alex Aguiar 1327
  Chris Rebstock 1327
5. Chris Monroy 1300
6. Frankie Calca 1286
  R.J. Broege 1286
8. Steve Jones 1282
9. Chris Wujek 1280
10. Mike Lichstein 1269
  Complete List

Match Play Appearances

Points Per Entry (min. 12)

1. Alex Aguiar 28.7
2. Bill Webb 21.4
3. Tony Reynaud 20.8
4. Frankie Calca 19.6
5. Stephen Dale Jr. 19.4
6. Jon Van Hees 19.1
7. R.J. Broege 17.1
8. Todd Lathrop 16.2
9. Mike Lichstein 16.1
  Brian Boghosian 16.1

Finals Per Entry (min. 12)

1. Bill Webb 0.778
2. Mike Lichstein 0.750
3. Alex Aguiar 0.733
4. Todd Lathrop 0.615
5. Tony Reynaud 0.600
  Jon Van Hees 0.600
7. Frankie Calca 0.588
8. Jeffrey Voght 0.563
9. Stephen Dale Jr. 0.556
10. R.J. Broege 0.550

Points Per Tournament (min. 7)

1. Frankie Calca 33.4
2. Alex Aguiar 30.8
3. Tony Reynaud 28.4
4. Bill Webb 25.7
5. Chris Viale 25.6
6. Rob Grexer 25.5
7. Stephen Dale Jr. 24.9
8. Jon Van Hees 23.9
9. R.J. Broege 22.8
10. Scott Widmer 22.3