Mon, July 15, 2024

2013 Season Statistics Summary

This stats section is intended to provide an in-depth look at statistics for all bowlers who participated in NEBA during the 2013 season. Also availabe are stats from the following past seasons: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Each available category has a summary shown below, and a complete list link is provided at the bottom of each list. This link will take you to a page that will display that stat for all bowlers in order by rank.

Use the form below to search for a particular bowler to see all of their stats on one page.

Bowler of the Year (High Finish)

1. Todd Lathrop (1) 471
2. Alex Aguiar (1) 468
3. Bill Webb (1) 396
4. Jon Wilbur (1) 392
5. Tony Reynaud (3) 345
6. Ryan Graywacz (2) 328
7. Chris Viale (6) 302
8. Steve Wagoner (1) 292
9. Frankie Calca (4) 284
10. John Kirker (3) 280
11. Richard Fulton Jr. (2) 267
12. Tim Banta (1) 264
  Danny Khuu (6) 264
14. Dave Kipperman (6) 255
15. Eric Copping (3) 253
16. Jason Hebert (1) 251
17. Jon Van Hees (1) 248
18. Matt Janas (1) 244
  RJ Broege (5) 244
20. Paul Smith (3) 238
21. Tim Gillick (5) 235
22. Ron Canalia (1) 232
23. Darrell Guertin (9) 226
24. Chris Carlson (7) 212
25. Anthony Pepe (1) 210
26. Thomas Coco Jr. (5) 203
27. Thomas Tkacz (2) 200
28. Tony Bennett (4) 195
  Bill Holota (5) 195
  Darrin Borges (7) 195
31. Tyler Perry (1) 191
32. Bill Green (1) 188
  Jeffrey Voght (6) 188
34. Steve Fiume (7) 186
35. Bruce Hall (3) 185
36. Billy Trudell (4) 184
37. Nick Miseno (2) 183
  Mike Lichstein (2) 183
39. Mike Cordeiro (2) 181
40. Jon Matunas (4) 178
41. Chuck Burr (5) 177
42. Tim Healey (7) 175
43. Miles Coplan (4) 170
44. Scott Widmer (15) 169
45. Kyle Rasmussen (2) 162
46. Chris Monroy (5) 155
47. Jim Handy (7) 154
48. Bryan Bourget (18) 151
49. John H. Bercier (4) 149
50. Eric Cornog (1) 148
  Robert DiMuccio Jr (2) 148
52. Darren Andretta (6) 139
53. Vinnie Furtado (12) 137
54. Greg Flamand (6) 134
  Rob Gotterbarn (10) 134
56. Tom Durand (11) 132
  Complete List  

Rookie of the Year

Senior of the Year

High Average (min. 77)

1. Todd Lathrop 125 229.42
2. Eric Copping 79 227.86
3. Bill Webb 124 226.27
4. Chris Viale 101 225.84
5. Alex Aguiar 149 225.72
6. Tim Banta 90 224.20
7. Jon Wilbur 114 223.94
8. Bruce Hall 79 221.91
9. Frankie Calca 117 221.58
10. Jon Van Hees 81 221.32
11. Bill Holota 86 220.87
12. Tony Reynaud 137 220.82
13. Danny Khuu 112 217.91
14. Ron Canalia 86 217.73
15. RJ Broege 98 217.41
Complete List

Match Play Record (min. 9)

1. Anthony Pepe 14 - 3 0.824
2. Eric Cornog 8 - 3 0.727
  Steve Wagoner 16 - 6 0.727
  Robert DiMuccio Jr 8 - 3 0.727
  Mike Cordeiro 8 - 3 0.727
6. Bill Green 10 - 4 0.714
7. Darren Andretta 7 - 3 0.700
8. John Rusin 6 - 3 0.667
9. Alex Aguiar 24 - 13 0.649
10. Jason Hebert 11 - 6 0.647
Complete List

Match Play Average (min. 9)

1. Anthony Pepe 17 241.18
2. Mike Cordeiro 11 239.45
3. Alex Aguiar 37 231.33
4. Todd Lathrop 38 226.48
5. Paul Smith 17 226.18
6. Jon Wilbur 29 225.21
7. Bill Webb 29 224.63
8. Chuck Burr 13 223.92
9. Jon Matunas 12 223.17
10. Eric Copping 20 222.58
Complete List

High Qualifying Block

1. Brett Cooper 1316
2. Steve Fiume 1314
3. Eric Copping 1310
4. Paul Smith 1287
5. Chris Wujek 1284
6. Bruce Hall 1283
7. Jason Stadtler 1278
8. Richard Fulton Jr. 1275
9. Todd Lathrop 1269
10. Frankie Calca 1267
  Complete List

Match Play Appearances

Points Per Entry (min. 13)

1. Todd Lathrop 27.7
2. Jon Wilbur 23.1
3. Alex Aguiar 21.3
4. Steve Wagoner 20.9
5. Bill Webb 19.8
6. Chris Viale 18.9
7. Matt Janas 18.8
8. Tim Banta 17.6
9. Ron Canalia 16.6
10. RJ Broege 15.3

Finals Per Entry (min. 13)

1. Todd Lathrop 0.882
2. Jon Wilbur 0.765
3. Bill Webb 0.700
4. Chris Viale 0.688
5. Alex Aguiar 0.636
6. Matt Janas 0.615
7. Tim Banta 0.600
8. Steve Wagoner 0.571
9. Frankie Calca 0.550
10. Danny Khuu 0.526

Points Per Tournament (min. 9)

1. Alex Aguiar 33.4
2. Todd Lathrop 29.4
3. Steve Wagoner 29.2
4. Eric Copping 28.1
5. Jon Wilbur 28.0
6. Jon Van Hees 27.6
7. Tim Banta 26.4
8. Bill Webb 23.3
9. Matt Janas 22.2
10. Tony Reynaud 21.6

Average Finish (Cut Made)

1. Jayme Silva 1.0
2. Brian Davis 2.0
  Chris Sole 2.0
4. Ross Whitehead 3.0
  Roger Miskolczi 3.0
  Chris Paroly 3.0
7. Greg Schon 4.0
  Michael Wodzinski 4.0
  Neal LeBaron 4.0
10. Jay Johnson 5.0